
About the Foundation. (This is herstory not history)

Born leader - 1st of Elijah oke-ogunruku’s 26th children
Beauty queen - Miss western region of Nigeria 1956
Professional - Fellow Of the Association of Nigerian Radiographers
Trade Union Leader - President, UCH Senior Staff Association, 1972-75
Women’s leader - Vice Chair, National Council Of Women Societies, 1989 Oyo State
International Professional - Experienced in England, Canada, Germany, Saudi Arabia
Crisis Manager - Nigerian Liaison Officer, Saudi Arabia, Gulf War(1990)
Educationist - Trustee, Bodija International School, Ibadan
Sweet Mother - Uncountable Children

The Victoria Modupe Oke Foundation is a private, non-profit, non-partisan, and non-governmental organization incorporated in 2012 inspired by the life and legacy of a great lady and living legend Victoria Modupe Oke.

VMO is an exceptionally beautiful women and trained to carry this with discipline, hard work, grace, good manners but unpretentious zeal for making the world a better place and touching lives positively.
VMO suggests that Nigerian society should ensure that…

’’ Young Girls and women should be supported by both the state and their parents or guardians with basic, vocational and moral education as well as be occupied with firm morale and leadership building activities’’




Built on the belief that the inevitable path to a successful society is held within the acquired and innate achievements of each of its citizens, the Victoria Modupe Foundation devotes its philanthropic activities to the vision of …. Good governance generally particularly for improving the Health, Educational and Economic capacity of women and young girls especially the less privileged and excluded’’

VMO wishes to become world partner in the process of unleashing the potentials of women and incite their members to become efficiently active within their societies.



To work with state and non-state actors to promote gender equity, universal access to education, health, justice and gender rights, however to work assiduously to eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls, sex slavery and child and human trafficking as well as prevent or significantly reduce the effect of conflict on women and young girls in the Nigeria.

Events and activities


In an attempt to achieve its mission, the Victoria Modupe Oke Foundation will be engaged in the following activities:

  1. Launch various initiatives and programs to uphold philanthropic activities through the provision of basic needs, water, food and shelter to the less privileged,
  2. Raise and allocate funds for sponsoring and adopting less privileged students for the purpose of their education in an attempt to incite them to commit to excellence, and become partners in building their future,
  3. Support and recommend educational institutions and organizations to engage in peace initiatives and conflict resolution programs,
  4. Plan programs and initiative promoting and enhancing human rights understanding.

Initiatives (Making a difference)


In line with its foundation’s mission and objectives, the Victoria Modupe Foundation makes sure that its activities target all aspects of life, and mainly education

• Support My School effort
• My Dream Come True!
• Art Competition
• Cash Grants
• Skills acquisition


Get involved

  • Volunteers
  • Ambassadors
  • Organizers
  • Fund raisings
  • Run or walk for our event
  • Music concert
  • Legal support etc.

Sponsors, Partners and supporters

The foundation remains as committed as ever to addressing the educational issues, health threats by playing a leadership role forging new alliances among those on the frontlines of education and health and together seeking new solutions.

  • In kind, Planned giving,
  • Donate funds, Make a Gifts,
  • Monthly giving.