Our Core Values
We value our relationships and our clients are key to who we are. We value the satisfaction we provide our clients through our various services and the way we deliver those services. We encourage our clients to always insist on the best from us whether in service provision or in terms of product value.
Our Strategy
Our strategy involves Sector Wide Approaches [SWAp] that links Good governance, Coordination , Citizens’ Engagement, Organizational Capacity Building and Services Delivery Results together and builds Partnerships for Development (Ps4D) for our clients’ who include international development finance agencies and state beneficiaries.
Our Innovations
The ever evolving world we live in today employs the use of multi-disciplinary teams and technology to drive the way we solve development problems, here at Mothergold we deliver our services through the mobilization, deployment and management for results of multidisciplinary teams of context-driven, subject-matter specialists and highly skilled experts in innovative ways and leveraging on ICT.
Why Choose Us
We share our clients' ambitions. We work to understand their reality and deliver true results—focusing on strategic decisions and practical actions
We bring deep contextual understanding as well as functional expertise, we are known for our holistic perspective: we capture value across boundaries and between the silos of any organization.
We are an investor in people and ensure the continuous learning and development of our consultants and staff
Our Evolution
Our evolution has been triggered by several years of consistent engagement with global development challenges, the African question, strategic development initiatives, threats of state failure and the roles of state and non-state actors in making the world a better place. Nigeria, West Africa has been our focal country, the base of our operations and where our interrogation has honed in on the effectiveness of development initiatives such as the Vision 2010, National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS) 1999-2007, State Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (SEEDS) 1999-2007, Local Government Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (LEEDS), the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2015, Vision 20:2020, Long Term (Nigerian) Sub-national Development Plans and the Global Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals.