MOTHERGOLD LIMITED is an Institutional Development Consulting firm registered in Nigeria in 2007 RC 710212.
Our evolution has been triggered by several years of consistent engagement with the global development challenges, the African question, strategic development initiatives, threats of state failure and the roles of state and non-state actors in making the world a better place. Nigeria, West Africa has been our focal country, the base of our operations and where our interrogation has honed in on the effectiveness of development initiatives such as the Vision 2010, National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS) 1999-2007, State Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (SEEDS) 1999-2007, Local Government Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (LEEDS), the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Vision 20:2020, Long Term (Nigerian) Sub-national Development Plans , and now the Sustainable Development Goals. 2016-2030 amongst others.
We have track records of providing services to clients ranging from National, Subnational and Regional Governments to International development agencies including but not limited to, the World Bank, Global Emerging pathogens Treatments Consortium, and other development finance institutions.